Monday, 16 April 2012

Absence makes the heart grow stonger...

The time has come..... It is the end of the Easter Holidays! *booooo*

That means I am back to school and to my lovely Year 2 class to finish my final ever placement as a trainee teacher. Yipee!

It also means that I will be super busy for the next 5 weeks.  I will try my upmost to not neglect my little blog baby as I am loving seeing it grow, but I thought I should warn you that things will quieten down (a little bit!).

If you click the 'follow' button (up there, on the left), you will be notified when a new post goes live, so you won't miss out.

Thanks for your support.

Much love,



  1. My housemate starts her last placement before we finish uni at a school today so I know how busy you will be! Good Luck :)

    Becca x

  2. That's such a funny photo :) cool blog!

  3. this is SO awesome, congratulations!
    i'm also studying to be a high school english teacher. however, with the way the u.s. views teachers/how hard it is to get a teaching job, i'm kind of re-thinking that.

    lovely blog by the way! hope to hear from you soon :)

    1. Thanks :) teaching jobs are so hard to come by in my area too as there are so many students training to be teachers and looking for jobs all at the same time!

      If you enjoy it, stick with it, it is the best job in the world! xx
